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Messier Catalog List



by A.J. Crayon and Steve Coe

Version 1.0, dated Thu 01-04-1990

This list is used by members of the Saguaro Astronomy Club of Phoenix, Az. for the Messier achievement award. Based on the list in the Observer’s Handbook, with 2000 coordinates so that it is easy to use with Sky Atlas 2000 by Tirion.

Constellation abbreviations are the IAU standard.

Type abbreviations

Cl open cluster Gb globular cluster Pl planetary nebula Di diffuse nebula MW Milky Way starcloud DS double star

Galaxy types

Sp spiral El elliptical Ir irregular


Messier # RA_2000 Dec Mag Con Type Size Notes
110 00 40.4 41 41 08 And El 8x 3 companion to M 31
31 00 41.8 41 16 04 And Sp 160×40 Great Andromeda Galaxy
32 00 42.8 40 52 09 And El 3x 2 close companion to M31
72 20 53.5 -12 32 09 Aqr Gb 5 3 deg from NGC 7009
73 20 59.0 -12 38 09 Aqr Cl 2 4 stars; an asterism
2 21 33.5 -00 49 07 Aqr Gb 12 many faint stars
38 05 28.7 35 50 07 Aur Cl 18 shaped like Greek Pi-ã
36 05 36.1 34 08 06 Aur Cl 16 bright but scattered
37 05 52.4 32 33 06 Aur Cl 24 very rich, about 500*
30 21 40.4 -23 11 08 Cap Gb 9 elliptical in shape
103 01 33.2 60 42 07 Cas Cl 6 40* mags 10…
52 23 24.2 61 35 08 Cas Cl 13 200* mags 9…
77 02 42.7 -00 02 10 Cet Sp 2x 2 brightest in group
41 06 47.0 -20 44 06 CMa Cl 32 150*, orange * in centr
44 08 40.1 19 59 04 Cnc Cl 90 Beehive, 200* to mag 14
67 08 50.4 11 49 07 Cnc Cl 18 dark spot near center
98 12 13.9 14 55 10 Com Sp 8x 2 * 6 Comae 30′ west
99 12 18.9 14 26 10 Com Sp 4x 4 face-on spiral
100 12 23.0 15 50 10 Com Sp 5x 5 face-on, many supernovae
85 12 25.5 18 12 10 Com El 4x 2 bright elliptical shape
88 12 32.1 14 26 10 Com Sp 6x 3 multi-arm spiral
91 12 35.5 14 30 11 Com Sp 4x 3 NGC 4571 @ 27′
64 12 56.7 21 41 08 Com Sp 8x 4 Blackeye, dark marking
53 13 12.9 18 10 08 Com Gb 14 1 deg NE of Alpha Comae
106 12 18.9 47 19 09 CVn Sp 20x 6 large, bright spiral
94 12 50.9 41 08 09 CVn Sp 5x 4 bright nucleus
63 13 15.8 42 02 09 CVn Sp 8x 3 elongated in PA 105 deg
51 13 30.0 47 11 09 CVn Sp 12x 6 Whirlpool, interacting
3 13 42.2 28 23 07 CVn Gb 19 excellant globular
29 20 23.9 38 32 07 Cyg Cl 7 small and poor
39 21 32.2 48 26 05 Cyg Cl 32 scattered, use low power
102 15 06.5 55 46 12 Dra Gb 2x 1 M102=M101, NGC 5866 used
35 06 08.9 24 20 06 Gem Cl 29 NGC 2158 1/2 deg SW
13 16 41.7 36 28 06 Her Gb 23 Hercules Cl
92 17 17.1 43 08 07 Her Gb 12 nice glob, overlooked
48 08 13.8 -05 48 06 Hya Cl 30 scattered group
68 12 39.5 -26 45 09 Hya Gb 9 6″ needed to resolve
83 13 37.0 -29 52 08 Hya Sp 10x 8 large and diffuse
95 10 44.0 11 42 10 Leo Sp 3x 3 bright barred spiral
96 10 46.8 11 49 10 Leo Sp 7x 4 M95 in same field
105 10 47.8 12 35 10 Leo El 2x 2 near M95 and M96
65 11 18.9 13 05 10 Leo Sp 8x 2 elongated in PA 174 deg
66 11 20.2 12 59 09 Leo Sp 8x 2 M66 + NGC 3628 nearby
79 05 24.5 -24 33 08 Lep Gb 8 6″ needed to resolve
57 18 53.6 33 02 09 Lyr Pl 1x 1 Ring, 15 mag central*
56 19 16.6 30 11 09 Lyr Gb 5 in very rich star field
50 07 03.2 -08 20 06 Mon Cl 16 between Sirius-Procyon
107 16 32.5 -13 03 09 Oph Gb 8 small glob
12 16 47.2 -01 57 07 Oph Gb 12 loose for a globular
10 16 57.1 -04 06 07 Oph Gb 12 rich, M12 3 deg NW
62 17 01.2 -30 07 07 Oph Gb 6 in rich field
19 17 02.6 -26 16 08 Oph Gb 5 oblate
9 17 19.2 -18 31 08 Oph Gb 6 compact
14 17 37.6 -03 15 09 Oph Gb 7 6″ needed to resolve
43 05 35.6 -05 16 09 Ori Di 19×30 detached part of M42
42 05 35.4 -05 27 06 Ori Di 66×60 Orion Neb, magnificent
78 05 46.7 00 03 08 Ori Di 8x 6 reflection neb
15 21 30.0 12 10 07 Peg Gb 12 rich, compact
76 01 42.4 51 34 11 Per Pl 2x 1 Little Dumbbell, tough
34 02 42.0 42 47 06 Per Cl 30 best at low power
74 01 36.7 15 47 10 Psc Sp 8x 8 low surface brightness
47 07 36.6 -14 30 05 Pup Cl 25 coarse cluster
46 07 41.8 -14 49 07 Pup Cl 27 Pl neb NGC 2438 at edge
93 07 44.6 -23 52 06 Pup Cl 18 bright and rich
80 16 17.0 -22 59 08 Sco Gb 5 very compressed
4 16 23.6 -26 32 06 Sco Gb 23 beautiful star chains
6 17 40.1 -32 13 06 Sco Cl 26 best at low power
7 17 53.9 -34 49 05 Sco Cl 50 good in binocs or finder
26 18 45.2 -09 24 08 Sct Cl 9 bright, coarse cluster
11 18 51.1 -06 16 06 Sct Cl 12 very rich and compressed
5 15 18.6 02 05 07 Ser Gb 20 fine cluster
16 18 18.8 -13 47 07 Ser Cl 8 Eagle Neb + cluster
71 19 53.8 18 47 08 Sge Gb 6 loose globular
23 17 56.8 -19 01 07 Sgr Cl 27 bright, loose
20 18 02.6 -23 02 05 Sgr Di 29×27 Trifid, dark lanes
8 18 03.8 -24 23 06 Sgr Di 90×40 Lagoon, neb + cluster
21 18 04.6 -22 30 07 Sgr Cl 12 sparse cluster
24 18 16.9 -18 30 05 Sgr MW 90 Small Star Cloud
18 18 19.9 -17 08 07 Sgr Cl 7 sparse cluster
17 18 20.8 -16 11 07 Sgr Di 46×37 Swan, use UHC filter
28 18 24.5 -24 52 08 Sgr Gb 15 compact globular
69 18 31.4 -32 21 08 Sgr Gb 4 small, poor
25 18 31.6 -19 15 06 Sgr Cl 35 bright but sparse
22 18 36.4 -23 54 06 Sgr Gb 17 spectacular
70 18 43.2 -32 18 08 Sgr Gb 4 small, 2 deg E of M69
54 18 55.1 -30 29 08 Sgr Gb 6 not easily resolved
55 19 40.0 -30 58 06 Sgr Gb 15 bright, loose globular
75 20 06.1 -21 55 09 Sgr Gb 5 small
45 03 47.0 24 07 02 Tau Cl 120 Pleiades, look for neby
1 05 34.5 22 01 09 Tau Di 6x 4 Crab, supernova remnant
33 01 33.9 30 39 06 Tri Sp 60×40 large, diffuse
81 09 55.6 69 04 07 UMa Sp 16×10 M82 1/2 deg N
82 09 55.8 69 41 09 UMa Ir 7x 2 high power for detail
108 11 11.5 55 40 10 UMa Sp 8x 2 edge-on, near M97
97 11 14.8 55 01 11 UMa Pl 3x 3 Owl, look for “eyes”
109 11 57.6 53 23 10 UMa Sp 7 barred spiral
40 12 22.4 58 05 09 UMa DS 1 DS Winnecke 4, sep 50″
101 14 03.2 54 21 08 UMa Sp 22×22 excellant in dark skies
61 12 21.9 04 28 10 Vir Sp 6x 6 two-armed spiral
84 12 25.1 12 53 10 Vir El 3x 3 M86 + many NGC’s nearby
86 12 26.2 12 57 10 Vir El 4x 3 center of Virgo Cluster
49 12 29.8 08 00 09 Vir El 4x 4 bright elliptical
87 12 30.8 12 24 10 Vir El 3x 3 bright elliptical
89 12 35.7 12 33 11 Vir El 2x 2 resembles M87
90 12 36.8 13 10 10 Vir Sp 6x 3 bright spiral
58 12 37.7 11 49 10 Vir Sp 4x 3 barred spiral
104 12 40.0 -11 37 08 Vir Sp 7x 2 Sombrero, dust lane
59 12 42.0 11 39 10 Vir El 3x 2 pair with M60
60 12 43.7 11 33 10 Vir El 4x 3 bright elliptical
27 19 59.6 22 43 08 Vul Pl 8x 4 Dumbbell, many * invl