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The Urban List

Objects Viewable From Metro Phoenix
For SAC Award

by Thad Robosson and Ken Reeves
version 0.9, May 2000

This observing list is a selection of 110 of the brightest deep sky objects in the night sky that can easily be viewed with a telescope from light polluted sites. A light polluted site is one with enough light that the Milky Way is not visible with the unaided eye.

This list contains 100 objects that must be observed and 10 others to be selected at the observer’s discretion. Room for listing the 10 others has been allowed for at the end of the list.

A record of each observation must be made from an urban site and should include at least date, site, observing conditions, telescope size, power and a description of the object. The site should not be from a dark sky site; use dark sky site observations of these objects for comparing and contrasting the difference between the two sites.

There is no time limit. However, it suggested the list be completed in 3 years or less. It can be done in under a year; but that requires considerable dedication. How long you take should be dictated by enjoyment. After all entries have been observed, turn in your records to the Deep Sky Chairman for verification. Soon afterwards you will be awarded the “URBAN LIST” tag at a SAC Meeting.

Abbreviations for Named objects are as follows:
M=Messier NGC=New General Catalogue IC=Index Catalogue
STF = F. G. Wilhelm Struves Dorpat catalog of 1827
STT = Otto Struve, Pulkova catalog of 1843
h = John Herschel, son of William


Type abbreviations
Gal Galaxy GC Globular Cluster
OC Open Cluster Var Variable star
PN Planetary Nebula Neb Emission or Reflection Nebula
Dbl Double Star


It is suggested the following terms be used for descriptions.
For magnitude, bright or faint
For size, large or small
For the form of an object, round, extended, elliptical or irregular.
For additional terms to qualify the prior descriptions use moderate, very or pretty.
Don’t like these? Make up your own!

For double stars the Separation in arcseconds and Position Angle in degrees are given. Observers should beware that these measurements can change over time. Therefore some observations may not correspond to what has been printed. These differences should be noted in the description of the observation.

For extended objects the positions and magnitudes are from SAC database, v 7.2.
Abbreviations in the CON column are the accepted IAU versions.

1 M 31 And 00 42.7 +41 16 Gal 3.4 Andromeda Galaxy
2 NGC 752 And 01 57.7 +37 40 OC 5.7 shows well in RFT
3 Gamma And And 02 04.9 +42 20 Dbl 2.2/5.5 Sep 9.8″ PA 63deg
4 NGC 7662 And 23 25.9 +42 33 PN 9.2 Blue Snowball Nebula
5 M 2 Aqr 21 33.5 -00 49 GC 6.5 Bright, very large.
6 Lambda Ari Ari 01 58 +23 35 Dbl 4.9/7.7 Sep 38″ PA 47deg yellow/deep blue
7 NGC 1907 Aur 05 28.1 +35 20 OC 8.2 round, stars 9…12m
8 M 38 Aur 05 28.7 +35 51 OC 6.4 bright, irr. figure
9 M 36 Aur 05 36.3 +34 08 OC 6.0 bright, stars 9…11m
10 M 37 Aur 05 52.3 +32 33 OC 5.6 500 stars
11 Xi Bootes Boo 14 51.4 +19 06 Dbl 4.7/7.0 Sep 6.6″ PA 318deg yellow/orange
12 Webb Cam 03 43 +59 58 Dbl 5.9/8.5 Sep 55″ PA 35deg gold/deep blue.
13 NGC 129 Cas 00 30.0 +60 13 OC 6.5 very large, stars 9…13m
14 Eta Cas Cas 00 49.1 +57 49 Dbl 3.4/7.5 Sep 12.8″ PA 317deg
15 NGC 457 Cas 01 19.5 +58 17 OC 6.4 bright, stars 7…10m
16 M 103 Cas 01 33.4 +60 39 OC 7.4 pretty large, stars 10…11m
17 NGC 654 Cas 01 44.0 +61 53 OC 6.5 irr. figure, stars 11…14m
18 Stock 2 Cas 02 15.0 +59 16 OC 4.4 nice star chains
19 M 52 Cas 23 24.2 +61 35 OC 6.9 stars 9…13m
20 NGC 7789 Cas 23 57.4 +56 43 OC 6.7 stars 11…18m
21 IC 1396 Cep 21 39.1 +57 30 OC 3.5 50′ dia
22 Mu Cep Cep 21 43.5 +58 47 Var 3.4~5.1 Herschel’s Garnet Star
23 Nu CMa CMa 06 36 -18 40 Dbl 5.8/8.5 Sep 17″ PA 262deg yellow/blue
24 M 41 CMa 06 46.0 -20 45 OC 4.5 south of Sirius
25 NGC 2362 CMa 07 18.7 -24 57 OC 4.1 Tau CMa
26 M 44 Cnc 08 40.0 19 40 OC 3.1 Praesepe or Beehive cluster
27 48 Cnc Cnc 08 46.7 +28 46 Dbl 4.2/6.6 Iota, colors, Sep 30.5″ PA 307deg
28 Mel 111 Com 12 25.0 +26 00 OC 1.8 Coma Star Cluster
29 24 Com Com 12 35.1 +18 23 Dbl 5.2/6.7 Sep 20.3″ PA 271deg
30 M 53 Com 13 12.9 +18 10 GC 7.7 bright
31 STF 1669 Crv 12 41.3 -13 01 Dbl 6/6 Sep 5.4″ PA 312deg, variable?
32 Y CVn CVn 12 45.1 +45 26 Var 7.4~10 La Superba
33 M 51 CVn 13 29.9 +47 12 Gal 8.4 Whirlpool Galaxy
34 M 3 CVn 13 42.2 +28 23 GC 6.4 bright, stars 11…m
35 Beta Cyg Cyg 19 30.7 +27 58 Dbl 3.1/5.1 Sep 34.3″ PA 54deg Albireo!
36 NGC 6811 Cyg 19 38.2 +46 34 OC 6.8 large
37 NGC 6826 Cyg 19 44.8 +50 32 PN 8.8 Blinking Planetary
38 NGC 6910 Cyg 20 23.2 +40 47 OC 7.4 pretty bright
39 61 Cyg Cyg 21 06.9 +38 45 Dbl 5.2/6 Sep 30.3″ PA 150deg Piazzi’s Star
40 NGC 7027 Cyg 21 07.0 +42 14 PN 9.6 15″ dia, 10.4mag
41 Gamma Del Del 20 46.6 +16 08 Dbl 4.5/5.5 Sep 9.6″ PA 268deg
42 NGC 6543 Dra 17 58.6 +66 38 PN 8.3 Cat’s Eye Nebula
43 NGC 1535 Eri 04 14.3 -12 44 PN 10.4 very bright, small
44 M 35 Gem 06 08.2 +24 22 OC 5.1 very large
45 M 13 Her 16 41.7 +36 28 GC 5.9 Hercules Globular Cluster
46 NGC 6210 Her 16 44.5 +23 48 PN 9.7 very bright, very small
47 M 92 Her 17 17.1 +43 08 GC 6.5 very bright, very large
48 V Hydrae Hya 10 51.6 -21 15 Var 6~12 can be very deeply red star
49 R Lep Lep 04 59.6 -14 48 Var 5.5~11.7 Hind’s Crimson Star
50 M 79 Lep 05 24.2 -24 31 GC 8.4 pretty large
51 M 56 Lyr 19 16.6 +30 11 GC 8.3 bright, stars 11…14m
52 Beta Lyr Lyr 18 50 +33 22 Dbl 3.5/8.6 Sep 45.7″ PA 149deg
53 M 57 Lyr 18 53.6 +33 02 PN 9.4 Ring Nebula
54 STF 2481 Lyr 19 11 +38 47 Dbl 8.3/8.3 Sep 5″ PA 201deg deep red/blue
55 NGC 2215 Mon 06 20.8 -07 17 OC 8.4 considerably large
56 Beta Mon Mon 06 28.8 -07 02 Dbl 4.7/5.2 Sep 7.3″ PA 132deg
57 NGC 2244 Mon 06 31.9 +04 57 O C 4.8 1 2 Mon, in Rosette Nebula
58 NGC 2251 Mon 06 34.7 +08 22 OC 7.3 very large
59 NGC 2252 Mon 06 34.7 +05 22 OC 7.7 very large
60 NGC 2324 Mon 07 04.1 +01 03 OC 8.4 large
61 IC 4665 Oph 17 46.3 +05 43 OC 4.2 course cluster, 40′ dia.
62 NGC 6633 Oph 18 27.3 +06 31 OC 4.6 27′ little compressed
63 STF 688 Ori 05 19 -10 45 Dbl 8.6/8.7 Sep 11″ PA 273deg orange/blue
64 M 42 Ori 05 35.3 -05 23 Neb 4.0 Great Nebula in Orion
65 Sigma Ori Ori 05 38.7 -02 36 Dbl 4/7.5/6 Sep 12.9″/42.6″ PA 84deg/61deg
66 STF 790 Ori 05 46 -04 16 Dbl 6.4/8.7 Sep 7″ PA 88deg orangish/blue
67 NGC 2169 Ori 06 08.4 +13 58 OC 5.9 The “37” cluster
68 1 Peg Peg 21 22 +19 48 Dbl 4.1/8.2 Sep 36″ PA 312deg yellow/deep red
69 M 15 Peg 21 30.0 +12 10 GC 6.4 very bright
70 NGC 869 Per 02 19.1 +57 08 OC 5.3 western half of Double Cluster
71 NGC 884 Per 02 22.5 +57 09 OC 6.1 eastern half of Double Cluster
72 NGC 957 Per 02 33.3 +57 34 OC 7.6 pretty large, stars 13…15m
73 TR 2 Per 02 37.3 +55 59 OC 5.9 abt 20 stars with 3 doubles
74 M 34 Per 02 42.1 +42 47 OC 5.2 bright
75 Eta Per Per 02 50.7 +55 54 Dbl 3.8/8.5 Sep 28.3″ PA 300deg
76 STF 336 Per 03 02 +32 24 Dbl 6.9/8.4 Sep 9″ PA 8deg white/deep blue
77 Mel 20 Per 03 22.0 +49 00 OC 1.2 Alpha Per. Association
78 NGC 1342 Per 03 31.7 +37 22 OC 6.7 very large, about 60 stars
79 NGC 1528 Per 04 15.3 +51 13 OC 6.4 bright
80 h1991 Scl 0 39 -25 06 Dbl 6.6/9.7 Sep 45″ PA 93deg orange/deep blue
81 M 80 Sco 16 17.0 -22 59 GC 7.2 very bright
82 M 4 Sco 16 23.6 -26 32 GC 5.9 8-10 bright stars
83 M 6 Sco 17 40.3 -32 15 OC 4.2 large, stars 7…10m
84 M 7 Sco 17 53.9 -34 48 OC 3.3 very bright, stars 7…12m
85 M 11 Sct 18 51.1 -06 16 OC 5.8 Wild Duck, stars 9…14m
86 M 5 Ser 15 18.6 +02 05 GC 5.8 very bright,stars 11…15m
87 IC 4756 Ser 18 39.0 +05 27 OC 4.6 group of 80 stars
88 M 8 Sgr 18 03.7 -24 23 Neb 5.0 Lagoon Nebula
89 M 24 Sgr 18 17.0 -18 35 OC 3.1 Small Sag. Star Cloud
90 M 17 Sgr 18 20.8 -16 11 Neb 6.0 bright
91 M 22 Sgr 18 36.4 -23 54 GC 5.1 very bright, stars 11…15m
92 M 45 Tau 03 47.0 +24 07 OC 1.2 The Pleiades
93 STT 84 Tau 04 31 +06 48 Dbl 7.3/8.2 Sep 9″ PA 254deg orange/white.
94 M 81 UMa 09 55.6 +69 04 Gal 6.9 fine spiral
95 M 82 UMa 09 55.9 +69 41 Gal 8.4 dark lanes
96 M 97 UMa 11 14.8 +55 01 PN 11.0 Owl Nebula
97 Zeta UMa UMa 13 23.9 +54 56 Dbl 2.3/4 Sep 14.4″ PA 152deg, Mizar.
98 SS Virgo Vir 12 25.3 +00 46 Var 6~9.6 deep red star
99 M 104 Vir 12 40.0 -11 37 Gal 8.0 Sombrero Galaxy
100 Cr 399 Vul 19 25.4 +20 11 OC 3.6 Brocchi’s Cluster